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(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :It was the saddest day of my live.

It wasnt because you would not be here if you didnt like it
FlySim Racing League (Applications CLOSED)
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
FlySim Racing Leauge
Winter Racing League

Ladies and Gentlemen after months and months of planning here it is a test season which will be starting in 2 months time for the PRACTICE time until December when we will start our race but in 11th November 2009 the server will start and Qualication will start in the month after NOVEMBER and the first day of that month it will START schedule is below,


Saturday October (The Start Of the Qualification and the season)

10:00am - 12:00am - The start of 3 qualification sessions
13:00pm - 14:00pm - Results annouced

The Start of the league!

Date of start of league: 6th December 2009

10:00am - 12:00am - Race Starts
12:00pm - 13:00pm - Break
13:00pm - 15:00pm - Race Starts
15:00pm - Race Finishes


How to apply

Licence in CTRA:
Rank within your race team:
Race Team:


The server details will be annoced at a later date.

League Organiser

Last edited by (The Stig), . Reason : Please can a moderator close this thread thanks!
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
I'll try again someday.
Last edited by (The Stig), .
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
I really love the web design I hope everything goes well unfortually I'm planning my own League at this momment at time but GOOD LUCK!
A evoulation for first time users! (VOTE HERE)
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Hey there, I'd thought I'd better post something in here to see if new players Do or do not regret buying Live For Speed comments can be made but lets see who does and doesn't .

Comments are allowed to be posted in this post!

We all would like to see what you think!

So please post it here and don't go O.T.T .

(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Hi Victor,

Can you please add a league subsection for FlySim Racing League more details below,

League Website:
League Section Name: FlySim Racing League
Other Details: The website will be updated when every league is relesed.

Thanks Victor
The Dutch Stig
Demo licensed
... better than first one ...
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
the owner of the server base has been emailed so we are awaiting a responce from him in 2 months time we will be getting a new server from Storm-Servers.


Also on that note please welcome a new member, GreyBull [CHA] to london city cruisers we hope he will be with us for longtime in the for comming future.
The Dutch Stig
Demo licensed
Sunset right easy to do. /me is on the work!
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Please welcome a new member

ChristijaNL has now joined us

I wish him good luck in our team and I hope he will be with us for some time to come
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
yes I will doit right now
Last edited by (The Stig), .
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Maybe maybe not
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Please welcome,

[LCC] Pearcy to our team we hope he will stay with us for a long time to come
Ben hur live at the o2
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Ben hur live : At the o2

One of the best shows at the o2 and now its VIDEOED LIVE

View it here at

Unfortually we cannot show it with a player I will sort this out asap.
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Due to technical faults with our server base the servers will be down we are sorry about this we've contacted the engerneers at the Server Base.
- News - Race Team Relesed
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Race Team Relesed

[LCR] London City Racers will be operational hopefully at 2010 on the 1st of january 2010 LCD is soon to be relesed but its not far behind the 2012 deadline for our services to be relesed so we hope this will keep us going for a long time .

(The Stig)
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :WO!! WAIT A SECOND!

Lorinczi is in my team mate remove from your roster IMMEDIATELY. And they said they arent on your team from my latest knowledge so mate pull them out.

Hello i'm team owner theres abouslty no way am I removing him untill I get confirmation from this sertain team member.

Thank you,
Team Management
Swearing People in Chatroom
The Dutch Stig
Demo licensed
i want to report buller89 , trollerik878 and derbigpr50 for swearing in the chatroom. It was like a war of Germany,Finland and Russia.
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
:ices_rofl why oh why ask that question WHEN you directly know its A TEAM a WHOLE team to lead
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
4 owners is so we can spread out the work load efficently.
The Dutch Stig
Demo licensed
Quote from JDMKING20 :I am have a USA flag by may name but all i have ever owned were Japanese cars.. and No i dont Rice them out nor do i try to make them look like cars from NFS id rather have power over beauty any day.. NFS is really ony for kids who have no idea in car tuning

if you want to speak about that go in Off-Topic and not here so i may stop the project if you dont do that.
The Dutch Stig
Demo licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :nine though was a pretty good song
i might be interesteed...maybe

was? it is still good. i noticed in game that Blood And Thunder was messed up gonna add another one.
Replaced it with Decadence
Last edited by The Dutch Stig, .
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
I made it up mate
[LCC] London City Cruisers (2009)
(The Stig)
S3 licensed
[LCC] London City Cruisers
The best english cruise team

Team Owners

[LCC] The Stig
[LCC] Stiggy
[LCC] Corey
[LCC] ScottyW

Team Supervisor

[LCC] TimDC (Team Trainer & Team Skinner & Team Member)
[LCC] Lorinczi (Team Supervisor)

Team Member

[LCC] Twin Drift

Important Links!

About us

We're a drift/race/cruise team set up to just keep everyone entertained instead of just people asking to join teams all the time we have a range from
  • Drift
  • Race

  • Cruise

We do not have a seprete servers for this kind of thing thats why we have a special command for ONLY admins to use that will shut down the LFS Lapper or Cruise Insim or Race Insim.

Other Infomation

Please do not argue in this thread like the last one, we will also annoce EVENTS within this thread.

Thank you,
The Stig

AI names done!
The Dutch Stig
Demo licensed
The AI names are done! Contain all names of all blacklist racers,cross,and some cops

EDIT: I made a Realistic Barrier Texture
Last edited by The Dutch Stig, . Reason : there was an update after the post