We're a drift/race/cruise team set up to just keep everyone entertained instead of just people asking to join teams all the time we have a range from
We do not have a seprete servers for this kind of thing thats why we have a special command for ONLY admins to use that will shut down the LFS Lapper or Cruise Insim or Race Insim.
Other Infomation
Please do not argue in this thread like the last one, we will also annoce EVENTS within this thread.
Its called a fliping company guys argh please just get that concept geese. I HAVE BEEN UNDER ALOT OF STRESS !!! SO HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE AT SCHOOL AND HAVE TO FILL OUT A LOAD OF TESTS OMG TELL ME NOW OR ELSE!!! ITS REAL AND ITS NOT RENAMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok here are a few changes we've been taken over by a company called GTL Limited which is currently ran by me and is currently work in progress all updates will be made BELOW and hopefully you will belive me this time as its to take some stress off my sholders with my family also
Progress of buliding within GTL Limited Teamspeak - Work in Progress ... Website - Work in progress ... Support Team - Complete Racing Team - Work in progress ... Cruise Team - Work in progress ... The company is based around LFS and its services including other services aswell now those are at this momment disclosed but weekly updates will be processed into this forum every week so watch this spot guys.
I'm really really sorry all I did in the past this includes the teams I only have 1 now and moderators please delete the others apart from [LCC] and to all LFS Members and Admins and Mods i'm very very sorry for all I did please please oh please can you belive me and aceapt my apolgie i'm so sorry for what I did and If you can start a new clean slate a new begining and give me a 2nd chance.
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